Category: Blog
Set Image manipulation captcha in PHP
How to set Image manipulation captcha in PHP Introduction: ImageMagick is free opensource software for any kind of image manipulation. This can be use in PHP or Perl laguages. Software dependencies: yum install gcc php-devel php-pear ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-perl Install PHP Extention: pecl install imagick Add Extension in php.ini echo >> /etc/php.ini Restart Apache…
kinit: Clients credentials have been revoked while getting initial credentials
#######Problem: [root@idm-ipa-srv1]# kinit admin kinit: Clients credentials have been revoked while getting initial credentials ######Solution: GO to secandry IPA server server, in case case you are able to login [root@idm-ipa-srv2]# kinit admin Password for admin@EXAMPLE.COM: [root@idm-ipa-srv1]# ##########Check Status [root@idm-ipa-srv2]#ipa user-status admin ———————– Account disabled: False ———————– Server: failed: Server is unwilling to perform: Too…
Linux Boot Process
Linux Boot Process SN# Process Description 1 BIOS First thing which loads once you power on the system, generally its fix on motherboard 2 MBR(boot Loader) Its is refer as first sector of your hard-disk, called master boot record 3 GRUB It is boot loader having set of instruction for kernel, installed at next…
How to reset wordpress user password using mysql
login to the mysql #mysql -u -p /*use wordpress site database*/ mysql> show databases; mysql>use ; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed /*show database tables */ mysql>show tables; /*show users list */ mysql> SELECT ID, user_login,…
Identity Management with IPA
Introduction: FreeIPA is a Red Hat sponsored open source project which aims to provide an easily managed Identity, Policy and Audit (IPA) suite primarily targeted towards networks of Linux and Unix computers. Assumption: 1. Domain: 2. Netbios name: EXAMPLE 3. Hostname: Note: Before start the installation make sure system has static IP configured,…
Setting up FTP Server for WordPress in Centos
Setting up FTP Server for WordPress in Centos. STEP-1 Install Software Dependencies: [mp@web-srv1 ~]$sudo yum install vsftpd ftp -y [mp@web-srv1 ~]$yum install gcc php-devel php-pear libssh2 libssh2-devel make –y STEP-2 FTP Server Setup: #Make changes in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf and Uncomment following Lines anonymous_enable=NO ascii_upload_enable=YES ascii_download_enable=YES chroot_local_user=YES [mp@web-srv1 ~]$sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd start [mp@web-srv1 ~]$chkconfig vsftpd on STEP-3 User…
How to clean inactive memory or caches in Linux
First check the memory Utilization [root@ localhost ~]# vmstat -s -S m 8066 m total memory 7932 m used memory <pre> 2051 m active memory 5508 m inactive memory 134 m free memory 3197 m buffer memory 3897 m swap cache . . output omitted… Now run following commands as required to clean inactive memory/caches…
Mail configuration for Ganib
INTRODUCTION: Open source Web based online agile project management collaboration software free, J2EE platform, MySql database with project dashboards & reporting. Organized Teams & Projects: Easily plan & manage projects with intuitive features to help your team deliver on time. Quickly focus on what’s important, easily select actions to take. Be efficient for everyday work,…
Database migration in wordpress
Database migration of wp sites in four steps using command line Assumption: mysql username: root mysql password: root Step-1: Backing up data base form old site: mysqldump -u[database_username] -p[database_password] [database_name] > [path][database_name.sql] Example: #mysqldump -uroot -proot wp_db > /root/wp_db.sql Step-2: File Transfer Transfer wp_db.sql file to server. Step-3: Create/Restore database #mysql -uroot -proot mysql>create database…