• Set Image manipulation captcha in PHP

    How to set Image manipulation captcha in PHP Introduction: ImageMagick is free opensource software for any kind of image manipulation. This can be use in PHP or Perl laguages. Software dependencies: yum install gcc php-devel php-pear ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-perl Install PHP Extention: pecl install imagick Add Extension in php.ini echo extension=imagick.so >> /etc/php.ini Restart Apache…

  • kinit: Clients credentials have been revoked while getting initial credentials

    #######Problem: [root@idm-ipa-srv1]# kinit admin kinit: Clients credentials have been revoked while getting initial credentials ######Solution: GO to secandry IPA server server, in case case you are able to login [root@idm-ipa-srv2]# kinit admin Password for admin@EXAMPLE.COM: [root@idm-ipa-srv1]# ##########Check Status [root@idm-ipa-srv2]#ipa user-status admin ———————– Account disabled: False ———————– Server: idm-ipa-srv1.example.com failed: Server is unwilling to perform: Too…

  • Linux Boot Process

      Linux Boot Process SN# Process Description 1 BIOS First thing which loads once you power on the system, generally its fix on motherboard 2 MBR(boot Loader) Its is refer as first sector of your hard-disk, called master boot record 3 GRUB It is boot loader having set of instruction for kernel, installed at next…

  • How to reset wordpress user password using mysql

    login to the mysql #mysql -u -p /*use wordpress site database*/ mysql> show databases; mysql>use ; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed /*show database tables */ mysql>show tables; /*show users list */ mysql> SELECT ID, user_login,…

  • List of useful run commands in windows Part-1

      SN# Commands Description # SN# Commands Description   .msc   │   .cpl   1 compmgmt.msc Computer management │ 1 appwiz.cpl Add/Remove Programs control 2 devmgmt.msc Device Manager │ 2 timedate.cpl Date/Time Properties control 3 diskmgmt.msc Disk management │ 3 desk.cpl Display Properties control 4 eventvwr.msc Event Viewer │ 4 fonts Fonts Folder control…

  • Identity Management with IPA

    Introduction: FreeIPA is a Red Hat sponsored open source project which aims to provide an easily managed Identity, Policy and Audit (IPA) suite primarily targeted towards networks of Linux and Unix computers. Assumption: 1. Domain: example.com 2. Netbios name: EXAMPLE 3. Hostname: ipa-srv1.example.com Note: Before start the installation make sure system has static IP configured,…

  • Setting up FTP Server for WordPress in Centos

    Setting up FTP Server for WordPress in Centos. STEP-1 Install Software Dependencies: [mp@web-srv1 ~]$sudo yum install vsftpd ftp -y [mp@web-srv1 ~]$yum install gcc php-devel php-pear libssh2 libssh2-devel make –y STEP-2  FTP Server Setup: #Make changes in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf and Uncomment following Lines anonymous_enable=NO ascii_upload_enable=YES ascii_download_enable=YES chroot_local_user=YES [mp@web-srv1 ~]$sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd start [mp@web-srv1 ~]$chkconfig vsftpd on STEP-3 User…

  • How to clean inactive memory or caches in Linux

    First check the memory Utilization [root@ localhost ~]# vmstat -s -S m 8066 m total memory 7932 m used memory <pre> 2051 m active memory 5508 m inactive memory 134 m free memory 3197 m buffer memory 3897 m swap cache . . output omitted… Now run following commands as required to clean inactive memory/caches…

  • Mail configuration for Ganib

    INTRODUCTION: Open source Web based online agile project management collaboration software free, J2EE platform, MySql database with project dashboards & reporting. Organized Teams & Projects: Easily plan & manage projects with intuitive features to help your team deliver on time. Quickly focus on what’s important, easily select actions to take. Be efficient for everyday work,…

  • Database migration in wordpress

    Database migration of wp sites in four steps using command line Assumption: mysql username: root mysql password: root Step-1: Backing up data base form old site: mysqldump -u[database_username] -p[database_password] [database_name] > [path][database_name.sql] Example: #mysqldump -uroot -proot wp_db >  /root/wp_db.sql Step-2: File Transfer Transfer  wp_db.sql file to server. Step-3: Create/Restore database #mysql -uroot -proot mysql>create database…

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